Why the summer holiday break is an ideal time for schools to have electrical testing carried out
Updated: Jun 27, 2022

Why is the summer holiday break the perfect time for schools to have electrical inspections and testing carried out?
During the current COVID-19 pandemic performing works In an environment with little to no one occupying the space, is crucial for ensuring safety of all parties. As well as the fact that there will be very little room for interruptions on both parts, A: for the professionals carrying out the work and B: for the teachers, lecturers and students who would normally be trying to teach, give lectures, or study.
With that being said, the summer holidays are absolutely the ideal time in most schools as well as some colleges and universities, to carry out the essential statutory electrical compliance testing that educational establishments require to maintain compliant with UK law.
Finding time to schedule this type of critical and essential work to be delivered whilst ‘school's out’ is vital. This goes for any site manager, head of estates, or facilities manager tasked with protecting all people within the premises and remaining complaint with such laws as the Electricity at Work Regulations 1989 (EAWR).
Booking works at times that ultimately suit the client first and where possible, suit the service provider as well has always been an important benefit of school holidays or terms. But now more than ever with COVID-19 ever present, it is becoming critical that organisations like schools, colleges, and universities stay proactive with their maintenance, booking these essential services at times where there is guaranteed to be zero to at most a few occupants at the premises other than the service providers themselves. This first and foremost, to stop the spread of the very harmful and often deadly disease.
Despite key electrical compliance services like Fixed Wire Testing (EICR), PAT Testing, Thermal Imaging and Emergency Light Testing needing to be carried out at most times, the benefits of having a test plan or strategy which corresponds with a time when most staff and the majority of teachers, lecturers, or students are off the premises is undeniably more valuable than ever before in this current climate.
Would you like to know more about how Protest ES Ltd can help protect your business, staff and visitors, thus keeping you safe and legally compliant with the latest regulations? Please do not hesitate to contact us, by calling this number: 01604 696113 today, or by contacting us via email: enquiries@protestesltd.co.uk / sales@protestesltd.co.uk Important to note - our new address is now the following below: Stone Barn, Pastures Farm, Olney Road, Yardley Hastings, Northants, NN7 1HL. Our landline and email contact details will remain the same as above.