PAT Testing FAQs answered

We receive a lot of questions regarding PAT testing. Below we answer some of the most common questions we get asked.
What is PAT Testing?
PAT stands for 'Portable Appliance Testing'. A PAT test makes sure portable electrical equipment and appliances are safe to use.
A PAT test uses a combination of visual inspection and electrical testing. Most electrical safety defects can be found by visual examination but some types of defect can only be found by testing, following an initial visual inspection.
Is PAT Testing mandatory?
The Electricity at Work Regulations 1989 require that any electrical equipment that has the potential to cause injury, is maintained in a safe condition. To this day, there is no better, more efficient method to ensure that all electrical equipment in your workplace is safe and fit for use.
As well as abiding by the law, you will also need to provide evidence to insurers that your premises is safe and compliant too. This can only be achieved as part of having your Fixed Wire Testing completed by a qualified professional electrical safety expert.
How often should PAT Testing take place?
The frequency of inspection and testing depends upon the type of equipment and the environment it is used in. For example, a power tool used on a construction site should be examined more frequently than a lamp in a hotel bedroom.
Do appliances that have been tested need to be labelled?
There is no legal requirement to label equipment that has been inspected or tested, nor is there a requirement to keep records of these activities. However, a record and / or labelling can be a useful management tool for monitoring and reviewing the effectiveness of the maintenance scheme – and to demonstrate that a scheme exists.
Do new appliances need testing before use?
Most new electrical appliances should be safe to use. However, faulty goods can bypass a manufacturer’s safety checks, so it is always advisable to give even new items a visual check before they are used.
Who should carry out a PAT Test?
The person doing testing work needs to be competent to do it. PAT testing involves rigorous inspection requiring specialist skill and equipment. PAT testing should be carried out by a suitably qualified and experienced electrical contractor, like Protest ES Ltd.
If you would like PAT Testing to be carried out at a workplace that you look after, please don't hesitate to get in touch with a member of our team: contact us: 01604 696113 |