EICR Classification Codes Explained

After one of our engineers has performed an EICR inspection in your commercial property, you will be given a copy of the EICR report.
This report will let you know if your inspection was 'satisfactory' or 'unsatisfactory'.
Each report will consist of numerous codes, below are the EICR codes to be aware of and explainations of what these EICR observation codes mean.
C1 - A Code 1 (C1) observation means 'Danger Present'. This code means that there is a risk of injury and immediate remedial action is required. The person using the electrical installation will need to be advised to take immediate action without delay
C2 - A Code 2 (C2) observation means 'Potentially Dangerous'. This code means that there is no immediate threat, but it is likely to become a danger in the future and so urgent remedial action is required to remove the potential danger.
C3 - A Code 3 (C3) observation means ‘Improvement Recommended’. This code means that a non-compliance with the current safety standard has been revealed. While this does not present immediate or potential danger, it would result in a significant safety improvement if remedied.
FI - A code FI means ‘Further Investigation required without delay’. These are observations that are departures from the requirements of the current edition of BS 7671 and therefore need to be recorded separately as FI.
Which codes mean an EICR inspection is unsatisfactory?
A code C1 or C2 means work needs to be done and FI codes need to be looked at in more detail.
Would you like to know more about how Protest ES Ltd can help protect your business, staff, and visitors, thus keeping you safe and legally compliant with the latest regulations?
Please do not hesitate to contact us, by calling this number: 01604 696113 today. Or contact us via email: enquiries@protestesltd.co.uk